Engine Shed Partnership with My Future My Choice for Learning Ships Workshops

For the last four years, Engine Shed has partnered with My Future My Choice to deliver ‘Learning Ships’ workshops to around 600 children across Bristol. The relationship between Engine Shed and My Future My Choice is founded on the idea that schools coming into Bristol to explore the city’s past, can also be inspired about their possible futures.

Each workshop explores the potential jobs that will be available in the future, how exports from Bristol have changed, and how the Enterprise Zone generates jobs and incomes. ‘Learning Ships’ alerts children, before they start secondary school, to the skills and attitudes they may need in the future to help ensure that they are successful and happy.

Hugh from My Future My Choice said: “Located at the heart of Bristol’s old manufacturing district, at the junction between ocean tides, canals and railways, children visiting Engine shed can make a connection through these workshops.

“The groups explore the Floating Harbour with Bristol Packet Boats, and work in teams to build their own model of a Bristol Pilot Cutter.

“It’s a fun event with prizes for the winning boats that race in the Bristol Harbour Festival each year.”

Engine Shed has been working with My Future My Choice as a key part of their vision is to increase inclusive, sustainable economic growth by supporting a diverse workforce for the future. ‘Learning Ships’ is one element in trying to support this change.

Engine Shed has now added more financial and human resource to this project, and is looking for more partners to deliver activities that inspire the next generation. The ‘Call for Ideas,’ which is live until 11th September 2017, asks potential partners to submit project ideas, inspired by the question:

“How do we inspire and prepare young people from diverse backgrounds around the opportunities available to them in the high-tech, low-carbon, creative digital and entrepreneurial sectors? ”

If you have a project idea, you can find out all you need to know here or, email Georgie to discuss further.