A note from Marty Reid: Our solidarity with Black Lives Matter

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Rather than my usual comment piece, Engine Shed would like to use this platform to state that we unequivocally support the Black Lives Matter campaign.

On 7 June, with the toppling of slave trader Edward Colston’s statue, our home in Bristol came into global focus. It was a clear statement that change is needed right here in our own city.

While inclusion has been one of Engine Shed’s key project themes since opening, we acknowledge that we can do more to facilitate change internally and in the wider business community.

We recognise that there remains under-representation of black, Asian and ethnic minority people within our own organisation. We also recognise, through data on diversity and the personal stories of many individuals we work with, that racism and a system of privilege, which restrict opportunities for people of colour, is still widespread in the technology and startup ecosystem.

Our team is relatively small but contains a range of great roles with opportunities to work with people across the city. We also have a public platform, a voice in the business community, and we provide or facilitate a range of projects, partnerships, and events to help innovative businesses grow.

In each of these areas, we have a clear responsibility and opportunity for action. In the coming weeks, we will continue to engage, listen and take the time to prepare specific, transparent commitments which will be monitored and published.

ACHBlueprint for BAME businesses Report

Babbasaanti-racism education resources; Bristol 24/7 Poku Osei and #BeyondCOVID Appeal. The donation appeal will enable vulnerable young people to rebuild their sense of purpose, manage their mental wellbeing, and learn new skills to thrive and achieve their ambitions during and beyond the COVID-19 lockdown.

Black South West Network resources webpage and BSWN Impact Report 2018-19


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